TikTok and you


Today, we talk about TikTok, this social media was created in 2017 and it merged with musical.ly one year after. It’s a social platform that has developed very quickly, it offers an alternative to online sharing. Its users can create short videos with music, filters and other features.

It was the most famous social platform in 2018 in USA with 1 milion of downloads in only one month.

TikTok encourage people to develop their creativity especially through the art of the dance with diferent skills like musics, filters and other features.

And you, have you already created one or more TikTok videos? 

Did you feel that this art on this social platform is complicated?

Elise Poyer.

Sources :

TikTok statistiques : les chiffres TikTok en 2020 [Infographie]


7 commentaires Ajouter un commentaire

  1. Augustin S dit :

    I think what’s good about these kinds of social plateforms is that they can reach as many people with very hard-working content but also with simple content.


  2. Chloé dit :

    I’ve already made several TikTok videos, it’s true that it helps to develop creativity. It allows you to share funny videos without any headache. It’s simple to use and it’s this particularity that made me want to try it. Now I love it, it’s one of the networks I use every day.


  3. Juliette Fritsch dit :

    Hello, good article. No I never created a tik tok. And I think it is not complicated to create something on tik tok because you are free, you can express yourself and create a lot of things.


  4. Hello, great article! Yes I’ve already created a video on tik tok, and it’s one of the easiest to use. It’s really not difficult to use, however you have to find your style so you don’t get lost.


  5. Jeanne dit :

    Hello, I don’t have realized a Tiktok vidéos but I like so much look this videos when I do not know what to do.
    I find it a fun app.


  6. Cyprien dit :

    I have already made a tiktok. It’s really easy to make it and we can do many things on it. So it’s a good platform to do art. And all kind of art because we can do everything.


  7. Hello, good article. For me, I have never made TikTok videos but I enjoy watching them. I’m fascinated by the inspiration that some people can hav. They could make it a profession !


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